Tradeshows and Events we will be attending this year 2025:
The ChromaGlow TombStones is a variety of stones for Halloween to put a great background glow with a image silhouette. Pick your favorite designs.
The ChromaGlow Stones use a clear 4mm coro material as a lens, a 10mm black backer with 100 holes designed EVO pixels by Mattos Designs or also use 12mm bullet pixels. It is 3 layers, the top silhouette, the clear lens and the black backer. Included is the spacer trim to go around in between the lens and backer. There are zip tie holes, 16 edge zip tie holes that around the hole edge to connect all the pieces, and 4 zip tie holes (2 on each side) going the opposite way to zip tie to a pole or stake.
**Includes Pixel Path™ on the back for easy node installation**
Push your pixels into the 10mm black backer. Lay flat, put your 4 layers together, the backer, then the 4 spacer trim pieces, then put the clear lens, then the silhouette, . Next use zip ties and connect all the pieces together all the way around the stone. Only zip tie holes left should be the 4 (2 on each side for your post or stakes in the ground).