Tradeshows and Events we will be attending this year 2025:
ChromaGlow Tube 4'
ChromaGlow Tube is a to make a Glow Tube. There are two versions a 4' and 8' tall. Tube is made from a frosted/translscent HDPE with coro end pieces. Use 1/2" EMT pole. You can use any number of nodes you prefer to connect to the pole.
(EMT pole and lights not included)
Roll you lens and screw small screws into the predrilled holes down the lenght of the tube. Attach your bullet lights down the pole with electrical tape or zip ties (how ever many you prefer). Slide the End Cap up the end of the pole leaving enough of the pole to anchor to the ground. Slide the top cap on top the pole. Make sure the top and bottom caps are flush inside the lens. Screw 2 long screws through lens into top cap only. See pictures.