Tradeshows and Events we will be attending this year 2025:
Name: ChromaTree Glow LENS ONLY (for replacements)
The ChromaTree Glow is a minitree that uses a clear 4mm coro lens and only requires a few nodes to fully illuminate.
The ChromaTree Glow series is another first from Boscoyo Studio. By using a clear 4mm coro material as a lens the need for a lot of pixels or dumb RGB nodes is minimized. Each ChromaTree Glow needs as few as a handful of nodes or up to 40 12mm nodes. The 10mm coro base plate provides a perfect platform to mount the 12mm nodes facing up or square and rectangular modules can be screwed or glued to it. The base plate is supported by a cross brace that keeps the nodes off of the ground. A landscape spike is used to secure the ChromaTree Glow to the ground or the cross brace can be left off and the tree will sit flat on a smooth surface. The lens can be removed and nested into each other for efficient storage. The bases can be daisy chained to each other. In the image below I use 7 trees with 20 each 2811 nodes. When using pixels, you can see the chase effects inside each ChromaTree Glow.
See Video here: